Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wild nature

The Black clown fish is also known as the Yellow tail clown fish, and can be obtained in several colour variations. The most common form of Black clown fish is black and yellow with white vertical stripes. Just like the other clown fishes, Black clown fishes form a symbiotic relationship with anemones and are therefore also known as Black anemone fishes.

The Black clown fish is one of the most frequently kept clown fish species and you can find these fishes in numerous saltwater aquariums all over the world. The native region for the Black clown fish is the warm West Pacific Ocean. Populations of Black clown fish are found from the Persian Gulf to the Western coast of Australia. They inhabit the Australian archipelago, the many reefs of Melanesia and Micronesia, and you can also find Black Clown fish up to north Taiwan and south Japan.

The vibrant coloration of the Black clown fish makes it very easy to spot for predators, and it would not survive long in the wild if it was not protected by the tentacles of the stinging anemone. The Black clown fish will keep the anemone clean by eating left over food. When a Black clown fish is kept in an aquarium without any natural enemies and is provided with food by its keeper, it does not need an anemone to survive. You should however make sure that the aquarium set up provides the Black clown fish with suitable hiding spots, since it can be very stressed in a barren aquarium, especially when no anemone can be found.

In the wild, the Black clown fish is known to co-habit with a wide range of different anemone species. If you keep your Black clown fish with an anemone species that it has not encountered before, the Black clown fish must gradually acclimatize itself to the anemone to avoid begin injured.

The Black clown fish can be kept in a comparatively small aquarium since it grows no bigger than 5 inches (13 centimetres) and claims a very small territory. A 20 gallon (75 litres) aquarium will be enough. You should however keep in mind that the Black clown fish requires supreme water quality and keeping the levels of soluble waste down will be much easier in a bigger aquarium. In the wild, the territory of a Black clown fish group is limited to the immediate area around an anemone. The Black clown fish is however known to occasionally leave its host anemone to attack nearby fish. This habit makes it more aggressive than the other clown fish species. Since the Black clown fish is native to warm, tropical parts of the world it can only be kept in tropical aquariums. The temperature must be in the 75-82° F (24-28° C) range for the Black clown fish to do well. The pH should be around 8.3-8.4. Your Black clown fish should be provided with a meaty diet in the aquarium, since it is used to feeding on the scraps left by the predatory anemone. Chopped fish and shellfish is usually appreciated. The Black clown fish will also require some vegetables and algae to stay healthy. You can usually get a Black clown fish to accept flake food, but keeping it on nothing but flakes is not recommended.